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Comments Off on Since last midnight we backup databases every 10 minutes! Autosave every 30 seconds!

Thanks this news post, we become absolute peak and true TOP 1 server in taking care about your gaming data and characters. Automatic backup of gaming databases with your character saves is backing up periodicaly every 10 minutes and it is also duplicated on second machine on different locality. Autosave is automaticaly running every 30 seconds. So whatever you did 30 seconds ago, that is definitely saved in our database and after 10 minutes is it also backed up. Backups older than 1 day we keep usualy 1 backup per day until 2 months of time period. Sometimes I keep some databases older than 6 months just for making some statistics and datamining.  

Comments Off on Sraz fanoušků a hráčů 3server

Na FB se již řeší sraz na tento rok a pro ty z vás, kteří FB nemáte píšeme tuhle informaci i sem. Letos chceme zopakovat sraz, který byl minulý rok a byl úspešný. Setkání bude ve dnech 5.-7. Června na okraji Brna u přehrady. Budeme rádi, jak si najdete čas pro vyplnění tohoto dotazníku –

Comments Off on Are you from molten-wow ? Did you play WoTLK?

Then you are welcome here! Register here Send us an e-mail on mail[at] with screenshots from molten, and we will give you instantly lvl 80 with some gear to start at us. We will check your IP, if you lie or not. 😉   If you want to risk it again, playing on big servers, then stay on molten and wait. If not, this might be your new home. Without lags, without waiting for anything.  With backups every hour.

Comments Off on Dáme Vám až 1000 kreditů, když nám doporučíte developera!

Je to tak! Dáme Vám až 1000 kreditů, pokud nám doporučíte developera. Má to však svoje ale. Podmínky se vztahují na kohokoliv. Tedy i na členy teamu. Více informací se dočtete v tomto článku.